
Showing posts from November, 2020

Now go grab bashdb for debugging bash on Visual Studio Code

Strangely by default, the bash debugger or bashdb is not part of the build, so apt installs are out. Therefore we need to spend some time to get bashdb up and and working.    We will need 3 components or the bashdb deb package will complain bitterly that libreadline6 and multiarch-support are missing and refuse to budge. To solve this problem, we need to install bashdb from the deb packages manually.  Go the following websites to download the deb install packages for the following; To install, su to root and type dpkg -i <deb-package-name> to install the 2 required libraries before installing bashdb . Next fire up the Visual Studio Code that is pre-installed on Parrot OS, for some strange reason, Visual Studio Code is given a strange nam...

Next important item - DPI

This is rather important, take good care of your eyes, change the Font's DPI if you are working on a larger monitor. Click System -> Preferences -> Look and Feel -> Appearance At the dialog box, click Font and click the Detail button. 150 DPI is the best setting for FHD monitors e.g. 1920x1080. Very important, take good care of your eyes when you are going to be spending hours on the monitor soon!

Getting Started - Get your VMs ready

Offensive Security is a great way to improve your corporate cybersecurity posture. I like the idea as it similar to a old chess principle, "attack is the best defense". Unlike a table top exercise or audit, you can test your exploits' or cyber security offensive ideas to probe security gaps in your corporate network. Hosting labs on virtual machines is a great idea, without risking your regular workstation, accidents can sometimes happen when your kernel exploits go haywire or you rather NOT run vulnerable goat virtual machines on your home WiFI networks. Oracle VirtualBox are a good way to start as I cannot imagine paying for a VMware workstation suite. Invest some time and visit the site below.  You will get good instructions to download and install the virtual machine software. At the URL Look for a section that says "VirtualBox Extension Pack" and click "All Supported pl...